01_Cassamarca Lecturer-Andrea Rizzi

Andrea Rizzi

Andrea Rizzi is Cassamarca Associate Professor of Italian Studies at the University of Melbourne. Born in Rome and raised in Italy in a bilingual family, Andrea was trained as a scholar and teacher at the Università Statale di Pavia (Italy) and the University of Kent at Canterbury (UK).
Before coming to The University of Melbourne (2005), Andrea held positions in the UK, at the University of Western Australia, and at the University of South Australia.
Between 2015 and 2019 Andrea has been an Australian Research Council Future Fellow.
In 2010-2011 he was awarded the Harvard University's Deborah Loeb Fellowship at the Villa I Tatti Center for Italian Renaissance Studies.
Andrea is an early modern literary and translation history scholar with an interdisciplinary approach to the study of this significant period of European culture: having been trained as a philologist as an undergraduate student at the University of Pavia (Italy), Andrea then developed a focus on the transmission and tradition of historical Latin texts throughout the Italian Renaissance. Cultural history, literature, and translation studies are therefore the three interconnected streams of Andrea's research.

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